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Buy the (beta) ebook!?

Hello, brave and true reader!

Someone recently informed me that it's not completely crazypants to charge a sustainable amount for high quality programming content. This was news to me, but I thought, hey, why not give it a shot?

The First Part's Free

For this book on parallel programming, I'm releasing the Introduction and Part 1 for free (I guess I haven't really absorbed the lesson?). Part 1 is a practical tutorial that will teach you how to use reducers; I want every Clojurist to be able to use this useful tool. If you want Parts 2 and 3, you'll need to buy the (beta) ebook.

The ebook is where the awesome is

One of the reasons you love Clojure is that it makes advanced (but relevant) programming concepts and techniques accessible. It is mentally stimulating and fun and actually useful. In Parts 2 and 3, you will explore exciting new programming vistas. Recall how you felt learning about Clojure's state model, or learning about programming with pure functions. You'll get that sense of wow! and holy schnitzel, that's amazing! in the paid parts of the book.

Parallel programming has become more and more relevant because of the inexorable lurch toward multi-core processors. You'll learn about parallel programming concepts and techniques in Part 2, adding an invaluable tool to your mental toolkit. These ideas are universal; you can apply them outside Clojure.

In Part 3 (unreleased; still in progress), you'll look at how the reducers library is implemented, and in the process explore some grade-A functional programming voodoo. You'll also see how protocols and reification in Clojure can be put to heart-breakingly elegant use. Once I release Part 3, I'll send you an email and you'll be able to download an update. I plan on finishing the book by October 2017. The book is currently about 68 pages, and I plan on adding 50-70 more.

Writing this stuff is a ton of work, and if you like what you read, want to learn more, and want to help me finish this book, then please purchase an ebook. When Gumroad sends me the email notifying me of your purchase, I'll show my thanks by printing out your email address and drawing a heart around it. Thank you for your support!

— Daniel Higginbotham, programmer, author, and heart drawer

Appendix A: Other options

  • Claypoole

  • Tesser

  • Manually interacting with fork/join

  1. Intro
  2. Chapter 1: Know Your Reducers
  3. Chapter 2: Performance and Parallelism (ebook-only)
  4. Chapter 3: Fork/Join and Implementation (in progess; ebook-only)