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Someone recently informed me that it's not completely crazypants to charge a sustainable amount for high quality programming content. This was news to me, but I thought, hey, why not give it a shot?

The First Part's Free

For this book on parallel programming, I'm releasing the Introduction and Part 1 for free (I guess I haven't really absorbed the lesson?). Part 1 is a practical tutorial that will teach you how to use reducers; I want every Clojurist to be able to use this useful tool. If you want Parts 2 and 3, you'll need to buy the (beta) ebook.

The ebook is where the awesome is

One of the reasons you love Clojure is that it makes advanced (but relevant) programming concepts and techniques accessible. It is mentally stimulating and fun and actually useful. In Parts 2 and 3, you will explore exciting new programming vistas. Recall how you felt learning about Clojure's state model, or learning about programming with pure functions. You'll get that sense of wow! and holy schnitzel, that's amazing! in the paid parts of the book.

Parallel programming has become more and more relevant because of the inexorable lurch toward multi-core processors. You'll learn about parallel programming concepts and techniques in Part 2, adding an invaluable tool to your mental toolkit. These ideas are universal; you can apply them outside Clojure.

In Part 3 (unreleased; still in progress), you'll look at how the reducers library is implemented, and in the process explore some grade-A functional programming voodoo. You'll also see how protocols and reification in Clojure can be put to heart-breakingly elegant use. Once I release Part 3, I'll send you an email and you'll be able to download an update. I plan on finishing the book by October 2017. The book is currently about 68 pages, and I plan on adding 50-70 more.

Writing this stuff is a ton of work, and if you like what you read, want to learn more, and want to help me finish this book, then please purchase an ebook. When Gumroad sends me the email notifying me of your purchase, I'll show my thanks by printing out your email address and drawing a heart around it. Thank you for your support!

— Daniel Higginbotham, programmer, author, and heart drawer

Know Your Reducers

In one episode of Man vs. Wild Will Ferrell, Hollywood actor and comedian, accompanies Bear Grylls, professional survivalist, deep inside the Arctic circle. The very first thing Grylls makes Ferrell do is rappel from a helicopter hovering 150 feet above the ground. As Ferrell makes his descent, he has only one word for the camera: "Mommy!"

That’s about how I felt when I was first tried to learn about reducers: plunked down far from home in a completely foreign and uncomfortable landscape. Let’s avoid creating that feeling in you by starting with something familiar: seq functions.

Reducers vs. Seq Functions

The reducers library (in the clojure.core.reducers namespace) has alternative implementations of map, filter, and other seq functions. These alternative functions are called reducers, and you can apply almost everything you know about seq functions to reducers. Just like seq functions, the purpose of reducers is to transform collections. For example, if you wanted to increment every number in a vector, filter out the even ones, and sum the numbers, the seq and reducer versions look virtually identical. Try this in a REPL:

seq functions and reducers are identical in many ways
;; seq version
(->> (range 10)
     (map inc)
     (filter even?)
     (reduce +))
;=> 30

;; reducer version
(require '[clojure.core.reducers :as r])
(->> (range 10)
     (r/map inc)
     (r/filter even?)
     (r/reduce +))
;=> 30

In both examples, (range 10) returns a seq of the numbers 0 through 9. In the first example, map is a seq function. In the second, r/map is a reducer. In both examples, map has the same purpose: transforming an input collection to an output by applying a function to each element of the input. Reducers are just another means of transforming collections, and for the most part they’re used just like the seq functions you already know and love.

One Difference between Reducers and Seq Functions

One way that reducers are not like seq functions is that you can’t call many seq functions like first on their return values: something like (first (r/map inc [1 2])) won’t work. You’ll learn why soon.

So why bother with them? Reducers are designed to perform better (often dramatically better) than seq functions under some circumstances by performing eager computation, eliminating intermediate collections and allowing parallelism.

In fact, as far as I can tell, parallelization is the main reason Rich Hickey, Lambda Whisperer added reducers to the language. The goal of executing collection transformations in parallel completely determined how reducers are designed, and even explains why we use the term reducers: reduce operations can be trivially parallellized (you’ll learn how by the end), and every collection transformation can be expressed in terms of reduce (there’s a big juicy math paper on that).

Thus, the reducers library is built around using reduce to transform collections, and it’s designed this way to make parallelization possible. Both eager computation and the elimination of intermediate collections are secondary - but useful - consequences of this design. (By the way: "elimination of intermediate collections" is a freaking mouthful, so I’m going to start using EIC).

Let’s look at these three strategies more closely. After that, I’ll share rules for how to ensure that your code makes use of each of them, without going into much detail about why they work as they do. Last, I’ll also give some examples of reducers at work, showing how their performance compares to alternatives.

The Strategies

Understanding the reduce library’s three performance strategies - eager computation, EIC, and parallelism - will give you the rationale behind reducers, and that will help you understand their implementation later on. Plus, these ideas are pretty groovy in their own right. I know you’re eager to learn about eager computation, so let’s go!

Eager Computation

Eager computation stands in contrast to Clojure’s core sequence functions, which produce and consume lazy sequences. You may remember that lazy seqs don’t compute their members until you try to access them. (For a refresher on lazy sequences, check out the lazy seqs section in CFTBAT.) This is often a good performance strategy because it saves your program from doing unnecessary computations, but in cases where you know you have to realize (compute the elements of) the entire seq, laziness actually introduces some unnecessary overhead. Reducers perform eager computation: they always compute every member of a collection, and that can improve performance slightly.

Because reducers are eager, you shouldn’t use them with infinite sequences unless you want something useless to happen. The reducer would try to realize the entire sequence, which isn’t possible, and consume all available memory in the process.

This isn’t to say that reducers can’t work on lazy seqs. They totally can! They just fail if the lazy seq is infinite.

An Irrelevant Personal Anecdote

Story time! When my brother and I were teenagers, we honed our technique in using The Lazy, which was like the opposite of The Force from Star Wars. In the same way that The Force had a vaguely Eastern grounding in chi or whatever, The Lazy had a vaguely Eastern grounding in the tao or whatever: it was the art of doing by not doing. For example, I was supposed to do my own laundry, but I found that if I left it by the washing machine long enough then my mom would get disgusted and just do it.

It didn’t always work. Once, I had been writing in bed. I don’t remember what (probably terrible poetry or some other teenagery dreck), but I had been balling up my paper and throwing it at my waste basket, and missing. My brother came into my room and I innocently asked him, "Hey, could you pick up that piece of paper?" and he did. Then, "Could you put it in that trash can?" And he almost did. He leaned over to drop it, then realized what he was being Lazied and threw it at my face instead.

Eliminating Intermediate Collections

Reducers don’t produce intermediate collections. An intermediate collection is a collection produced by one sequence transforming function and passed as an argument to another sequence transforming function. Let’s look at a kind of stupid example:

(->> (list "Shake" "Bake")           ; ➊
     (map #(str % " it off"))        ; ➋
     (map clojure.string/lower-case) ; ➌
     (into []))                      ; ➍

This code just takes a list of words ➊ and performs two map operations. First, it appends " it off" to each string ➋, then it lower cases each ➌. Finally, it puts the result in a vector ➍.

Silly code that would never really exist. What we care about here is that the map at ➋ constructs a new collection (a lazy seq, as it happens), and so does the map at ➌. Each of these intermediate collections takes resources to construct and traverse. How inefficient! Haters are going to hate on this inefficiency, but luckily you can shake it off with reducers. (Note to self: more Taylor Swift references!)

Looking at this code you can deduce that it would be more efficient to just combine the two string functions into one:

fusing two elemental functions
(->> (list "Shake" "Bake")
     (map (comp clojure.string/lower-case #(str % " it off")))
     (into []))

This eliminates one of your intermediate collections, and makes your code faster. In parallel programming terminology, you’d say that you fused two elemental functions into one. An elemental function is just a normal function, like lower-case, but we give it the qualifier elemental to communicate that we’re talking about it in the context of collection transformation; it’s applied to each element of the collection. Fusion is the composition of elemental functions to avoid producing intermediate collections.

It would be cumbersome to have to rewrite your code to achieve this kind of fusion, though. Ideally, you want your collection transformations to compose into one fused function without any manual intervention on your part. You want to be able to write idiomatic Clojure code (like the following) and have it "just work":

you dream of a paradise where this composes through fusion
(->> (range 1000)
     (r/filter even?)
     (r/map inc)
     (into []))

And hey, guess what! Reducers just work! They’re actually designed to compose into a single fused elemental function when you chain them like in the example above, without any manual labor on your part. In the above example, it’s as if you’re telling Clojure, "Take a seq of the numbers 0 through 999. For every element of that function, apply a function that does three things: filters the element if it’s even, then increments the result (assuming the element wasn’t filtered), and then places the result in a vector."

Transducer Performance

Transducers also eliminate intermediate collections. In order to use them, you have to write code that looks slightly different from bread-and-butter seq functions or reducers, like this:

(into [] (comp (filter even?)
               (map inc))
      (range 1000000))

In a few minutes, you’ll see some numbers that show just how much EIC can improve performance. But first, let’s look at the final performance strategy that reducers enable: parallelism.


Parallelism is the simultaneous execution of tasks on two or more processors.

Task is a nebulous word, so let’s define it. I use task to refer to function calls, but from the perspective of the processor instead of the programmer; execution instead of semantics. That’s still nebulous, so let’s look at a concrete example.

We might as well start working on iFacePalm. After all, that’s what I’m paying you for, right? Here’s some Clojure code we could write that would get us started:

A bright beginning to a game-changing app
(defn lifeline-and-years-lived
  "Given a human subject, return vector of lifeline ratio and years
  person lived"
  [{:keys [palm-stats life-history] :as subject}]
  [(:lifeline-ratio palm-stats) (:years-lived life-history)])

This function extracts a person’s lifeline ratio (length of lifeline compared to hand size) and age at death, and putting the two in a vector. Here’s how you’d use it:

A bright beginning to a game-changing app
(lifeline-and-years-lived {:palm-stats   {:lifeline-ratio 0.5}
                           :life-history {:years-lived 75}})

From the programmer’s perspective, we’d call this a function call. We care about the return value and how to relate that to other functions according to business needs. We care about the meaning of the function call.

From the execution perspective, we’d call it a task. It’s just some work that needs to get done, and we don’t care about its meaning or how it relates to business needs.

So, if I said to you, "Let’s speed this program up by putting this task on another thread," you’d know that I’m not talking about changing the meaning of the program. I’m just talking about some work that needs to get done, and how to shuffle the work around for better performance.

Now let’s say we wrote something like this:

Task is used at any level of granularity
(map lifeline-and-years-lived subjects)

In the same way that this is one function call, map, which results in many applications of lifeline-and-years-lived, it’s one task that results in the execution of many sub-tasks. You can treat the larger task as single, black box task, just as you can treat the function as a black box.

Learn more about Concurrency and Parallelism

For a more detailed explanation of concurrency and parallelism (with a focus on concurrency), check out the first two sections fo Clojure for the Brave and True's chapter The Sacred Art of Concurrent and Parallel Programming. The chapter uses the classic Lady Gaga Telephone example to explain the concepts, and describes how they’re implemented on the JVM.

Or just wait until you get to the next major part of this article, which is all about parallelism.

So, parallelism is all about executing tasks simultaneously on multiple processors. Given the right conditions (explained in the next section), reducers will transparently subdivide their transform a collection task into subtasks of transform this partitioned portion of a collection. These subtasks will execute in parallel, and the results are recombined, also transparently. So, for example, if you have this code:

parallelism example
(r/fold + (vec (range 10000000)))

Then Clojure will divide your vector of ten million numbers into sub vectors of 512 elements, run (reduce + subvector) on those subvectors in parallel, and combine the results.

This divide/parallelize/re-combine process relies on the fork/join framework. It’s too soon to cover that, but do not be sad, gentle reader, for it is covered in Part Two.

Now that you know about the performance strategies employed by reducers, let’s look at how to actually use them.

How to Use Reducers

You’ve seen how, for the most part, you can use reducers just like seq functions. For example, this produces the same result as the seq counterpart:

quick reducer example
(require '[clojure.core.reducers :as r])
(->> [1 2 3 4]
     (r/filter even?)
     (r/map inc)
     (r/reduce +)
; => 8

There are a couple rules to keep in mind, though. First, if you want to make use of parallelism, you have to use the r/fold function with a foldable collection. r/fold is a parrallel implementation of reduce.

I need to explain parallelism a bit more before explaining what foldable means, but for now the relevant fact is that vectors and maps are the only foldable collections. So if you wrote code like this, you might expect it to run in parallel, but it wouldn’t:

only foldable collections can be parallelized
(require '[clojure.core.reducers :as r])
(->> '(1 2 3 4)
     (r/filter even?)
     (r/map inc)
     (r/fold +)
; => [3 5]

Lists aren’t foldable, so reducers can’t operate on them in parallel. Instead, the code falls back to serial reduce.

The second rule is that reducers don’t produce collections. It’s awesome that r/map and r/filter compose without creating intermediate collections, but the catch is that they behave a little differently from seq functions. Here’s one way you could get tripped up:

sad broken bode
(first (r/map inc [1 2 3]))
; => java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq from: clojure.core.reducers$folder$reify__17186

This happens because r/map and the other reducers don’t actually return a new collection. Instead, they return a reducible.

A reducible is like a recipe for how to produce a new collection, along with a reference to a source collection. In the above example, the recipe is "produce a new collection by incrementing each element each element of the source collection", and the source collection is the vector [1 2 3].

Another way to put it: a reducible is an elemental function, along with the collection whose elements you want to apply the function to.

And yet another way to put it: It’s as if you were one of Santa’s worker elves (or some other mythical creature of labor), and the foreman handed you a piece of paper with your instructions for the day: "Go to the plastic shed out back, get all the plastic lumps and turn them into toy whatevers to feed to the insatiable, gaping maw of consumerism."

If I then walked up to you and said, "give me the first of that piece of paper", you would look at me in confusion, because the request wouldn’t make any sense. The piece of paper is not a collection that you can take the first of. Similarly, when you tell Clojure (first (r/map inc [1 2 3])) it expresses its confusion with an exception because the request doesn’t make sense.

You might initially think you’re telling Clojure "give me the first element of the collection returned by `r/map`", but you’re actually saying "give me the first element of the reducible returned by `r/map`". A reducible is a recipe for how to transform a given collection, but it’s not a collection itself, so Clojure can’t fulfill your request.

This design decision to have functions like r/map return a reducible instead of a collection is what allows reducers to seamlessly compose, building up a single fused elemental function. I’ll explain exactly how this happens later in the book, and for now rely on the power of metaphor so that you’ll have a strong intuitive understanding of how it works.

But you need to get collections somehow. If you want to use reducer functions to produce another collection, you have to explicitly realize the result collection by calling r/foldcat or clojure.core/into. r/foldcat calls r/fold internally, and into calls reduce. Here are two examples:

successful reducer collection realization
(->> [1 2 3 4]
     (r/map inc)
     (into [])
; => 2

(->> [1 2 3 4]
     (r/map inc)
; => 2

You should use into when you want to explicitly specify the collection type. In the example above, you’re realizing the collection as a vector. into is serial.

r/foldcat executes parallelly (is that a word?) and returns a collection that acts pretty much like a vector. The collection is foldable, so you can use it with reducers in further parallel computations. It’s also seqable, like a vector, so you can call functions like first on it.

To summarize the rules:

  1. If you want to parallelize your reduction, use r/fold and a foldable collection (a vector or map).

  2. If you want your transformations to return a collection, use into or r/foldcat. into executes serially and lets you specify the collection type, while r/foldcat is parallel and returns a vector-like collection.

Soooo now that you’ve spent all this time learning about reducers' performance strategies and how to use them, let’s wrap everything together by comparing reducer performance to seq functions. If I’ve done my job right, you won’t be surprised by the differences. If I haven’t done my job right, then, well…​ sorry?

A Peek at Performance

Reducer performance depends on two variables:

  1. Whether you’re producing intermediate collections

  2. Whether you’re using r/fold with foldable collections

To see the performance impact of these variables, we’re going to look at similar computations performed using r/fold (for parallelism and EIC), r/reduce (for EIC alone), and clojure.core/reduce as a baseline. We’ll also perform the computations on foldable collections (vectors) and on unfoldable collections (lazy seqs).

You can find the code for this section in the code folder of your download under src/ifacepalm/using_reducers.clj (paid version only). After doing the performance measurements for awhile, I wanted to make the process a bit less tedious, so I wrote the macro times and its helper functions pretty-time and runs-and-pauses to abstract the process of running a snippet multiple times, timing each run, averaging those time values, and usefully printing the result. This lets you do something like this:

times macro example
(let [x (vec (doall (range 1000000)))]
  (times (r/fold + x)
         (r/reduce + x)
         (reduce + x)))
"    6.62ms (r/fold + x)"
"   20.94ms (r/reduce + x)"
"   16.05ms (reduce + x)"

In this example, you’re performing the same computation using three different methods, and seeing how long each method takes.

The code for times is in the ifacepalm.time-helpers namespace, but I’m not going to go over it here for fear that you would (justifiably) shake your fist at me from behind your monitor for veering off topic.

Here are our first comparisons:

Comparing performance for computationally simple ops
;;------- Simple operations

(def snums  (range 10000000)) ;
(def snumsv (vec snums))

(defn t1 [x]
  (times (r/fold + x)
         (r/reduce + x)
         (reduce + x)))

(defn t2 [x]
  (times (->> x (r/map inc) (r/fold +))
         (->> x (r/map inc) (r/reduce +))
         (->> x (map inc)   (reduce +))))

(defn t3 [x]
  (times (->> x (r/filter even?) (r/map inc) (r/fold +))
         (->> x (r/filter even?) (r/map inc) (r/reduce +))
         (->> x (filter even?)   (map inc)   (reduce +))))

First, we define two collections of numbers from 0 to 99,999,999. snums is an unfoldable seq and snumsv is a foldable vector.

Next, we define three functions, t1, t2, and t3. Each function takes a collection (we’ll use snums and snumsv), transforms it using r/fold, r/reduce, and reduce, and prints out how much time each transformation takes. Enough with the yik yak, let’s actually use them:

Listing 1: Timing a simple reduce
(t1 snums)
; => "  127.28ms (r/fold + x)"
; => "  131.67ms (r/reduce + x)"
; => "  119.67ms (reduce + x)"

(t1 snumsv)
; => "   59.15ms (r/fold + x)"
; => "  164.32ms (r/reduce + x)"
; => "  148.15ms (reduce + x)"

When we call t1 with snums, the three reduction functions have roughly the same performance. Put another way: we don’t get any performance benefits from EIC or parallelism. This makes sense because we’re not doing a map, filter, or some other function that semantically returns a new collection. We’re also using the unfoldable snums, and in that case r/fold quietly degrades to r/reduce.

When we call t2 with snumsv, though, we see a significant speedup from r/fold. My computer has four cores, so ideally r/fold would take 25% as much time as the serial versions, but it’s rare to meet that ideal because parallelization has overhead costs.

Let’s see what happens when we have an intermediate transformation (map):

reduce with an intermediate transformation
(t2 snums)
; => "  166.43ms (->> x (r/map inc) (r/fold +))"
; => "  169.32ms (->> x (r/map inc) (r/reduce +))"
; => "  322.66ms (->> x (map inc) (reduce +))"

Dayumn! The reducer versions take nearly fifty percent less time! There’s no difference between r/fold and r/reduce, though, becuase we’re not using a foldable collection. Here’s what happens when you change that:

reduce with an intermediate collection and foldable source
(t2 snumsv)
"   74.45ms (->> x (r/map inc) (r/fold +))"
"  214.04ms (->> x (r/map inc) (r/reduce +))"
"  374.91ms (->> x (map inc) (reduce +))"

Here, r/fold is five times faster than reduce, thanks to EIC and parallelism. (Interestingly, it seems serial reduce takes a bit longer with vectors.)

What happens if you have two intermediate collections? This happens:

reduce with two intermediate collections
(t3 snums)
"  184.07ms (->> x (r/map inc) (r/filter even?) (r/fold +))"
"  181.03ms (->> x (r/map inc) (r/filter even?) (r/reduce +))"
"  431.53ms (->> x (map inc) (filter even?) (reduce +))"

(t3 snumsv)
"   71.96ms (->> x (r/map inc) (r/filter even?) (r/fold +))"
"  207.47ms (->> x (r/map inc) (r/filter even?) (r/reduce +))"
"  478.25ms (->> x (map inc) (filter even?) (reduce +))"

When you call r/fold with a vector, it’s almost seven times faster. Not only that, but look at the times for the r/reduce calls in (t2 snumsv) and (t3 snumsv): 214ms and 207ms respectively. Adding the intermediate transformation had virtually no impact on performance. (It actually took less time in this case, but I chalk that up to random noise.) Compare that to the reduce calls: 374ms and 478ms. Huge performance impact!

This should give you a good idea of the kinds of performance gains that reducers can give you. And the best part is that your code will perform even better if you run it on a machine with more cores, without any extra work. Neat!

And thus concludes the introductory tutorial on reducers. Hopefully I’ve given you everything you need to start using them effectively. Next comes the really fun part: learning about parallelism concepts so that you’ll have a complete understanding of what the reducers library is doing.